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MohamedBoukthir's github profile

Wave: Next.js 13 app. Explore Next.js, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, Clerk, real-time events, and more.

Spotify Clone

vishnu-mouli-102408's github profile

Spotify-Clone is a web application that mimics the functionality of the popular music streaming platform, Spotify. Users can create an account, search for music by artist, album or track, create playlists, and listen to music.


pranshu05's github profile

Elpha is a verified discord bot made with discord.js and hosted on Railway. Its development aims to make server moderation easier

Discord Clone

ratishjain12's github profile

A Fully Responsive Discord Landing Page UI Clone with animations


Soumya2411's github profile

An app hor helping students to visualise programming concepts

Music Player

Ajay84sia's github profile

Musify is a music player website. It is the best mp3 player for music lovers!

Start Contributing

Sriparno08's github profile

This project aims to help beginners get started with contributing to open source by providing a substantial amount of useful resources. Everyone is welcome to contribute and be a part of this project.

Caesar Cipher

whiteknight16's github profile

An encryptor decryptor app based on ancient Caesar and cipher technique

Flipkart Data Scraping

Sushilverma002's github profile

A project based on data scraping of flipkart.

Navbar using Pure reactjs

singodiyashubham87's github profile

Basic Navbar using reactjs and no JSX